Thursday, July 22, 2010

Does anyone else feel this way?

So, I am such a mess of emotions. Anderson is now 4 months old and I should be over the ups and downs by now right? O.k. there are way more ups than downs. The ups: I LOVE my family!! I am with my kids for almost 24/7 (yes they do appear in my bed during the night... imagine 4 of us in a Queen size bed... good sleep, maybe that is the problem here!) But I love spending time with them. Yes, they argue. Yes, they get on each others nerves. Yes, they get on my nerves. But I can't seem to get enough of them!! I love getting out and about with my kids. I love making lunch for my kids (they get excited when I surprise them with a new type of chip or goodie... but they have to eat their grapes first!) I love cuddling that sweet baby!! He is so precious. He laughs and smiles and coos. WHAT A CUTIE!! I could go on and on. The downs: Housework. Laundry is never ending and the bathrooms need to be cleaned everyday when you have boys. I try to push it aside and just spend time with the kiddos, but then the house looks scary. We had a cob web in a corner that was big enough to capture a scorpion! I need to organize my days better. I am just not that A type personality. I want to have the benefits of perfection, but the reality of a free spirit. I think tomorrow I will try to start my new "schedule" and get some things done around here. I will tackle that pile of laundry in the living room, clean up the pile of books in Elliott's room, vacuum, and clean the shower. Anderson sleeps through the night and I really should have no excuse. On the other hand it is summer and I am still nursing every 3 hours... o.k. heck with the house for tomorrow I am going to the pool, picking blue berries and going for a walk with my favorite people right now, my kids!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 2
I LOVE summer! The days are longer, everyone seems so happy, and I feel like I actually get things accomplished. I have so many "to do" lists and projects, but I am excited about them.
1) Mudroom
2) Pictures
3) Paint Bathroom
4) Organize Closets (mostly mine)
5) Tile
6) Porch
7) Garage
Will it take me forever to finish them? Yes. Why, you ask? Well I have 3 B-E-A-utiful (as my husband would say) children who I try to give lots of my attention. And I am pretty sure the whole women have spaghetti brains and men have waffle brains thing is true. I have so many things going on at once and I jump from project to project (or get interrupted!) However, for some reason when the weather is nice and I can be outside it doesn't seem to bother me that I have so many unfinished jobs around the house. And as my amazing husband reminded me last night... when we are older we will never look back and wish we had cleaned more, organized better, or finished projects instead of spending time with our children! So today the projects will wait and I am off to spend the day with my children in Dahlonega.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 1!!

I am so excited that I am starting my first blog!! This is truly just a technological outlet for me! And since I will be at home most days now, I am looking forward to writing about kingdom kinsey... yes, my home!